Parts Washer Usage

When using Oil Sponge HD cleaner in a parts washer application it is important to remember that ALL Oil Sponge branded cleaners are water-based, so they must be used in a stainless or plastic parts washer unit.

The typical dilution ratio for the average shop is 4 to 5 parts water to 1 part solution.  This ratio may be adjusted based on your cleaning requirements.  The HD is the preferred parts washer solution, but the IS can also be used.  The Oil Sponge UC+ product may also be used as a parts washer solution, but keep in mind that they are a light to medium strength cleaner.

Initial Start-up:

  1. Mix the desired ration of water to cleaner in the parts washer unit.

  2. Add one parts washer bio-tab to the sump.

  3. Start using after the pump has circulated the solution for a minimum of 5-minutes.

Suggested Monthly Maintenance:

  1. Change out the filter, add 1 gallon of cleaner that you are using, add one bio-tab and enough clean water to bring the water to a level that is recommended by the parts washer manufacturer.

  2. Maintenance periods may vary depending on use of the machine.


NatureSolve-AC Aircraft Cleaning Solution


Oil Sponge Branded Cleaners